a. "正义之剑在手,妖魔鬼怪无藏身之地。"
Justice's sword in hand, demons and monsters have no hiding place.
b. "心怀苍生,除恶务尽。"
With a heart for all living beings, eliminate evil to the utmost.
c. "铁面无私,为民除害。"
With an iron-clad face and no partiality, eliminate harm for the people.
a. "人生在世,应以正义为重,以善良为本。"
In life, justice should be taken seriously, and kindness should be the foundation.
b. "无论前路多么艰难,都要勇往直前,因为只有通过挑战,才能成长。"
No matter how difficult the road ahead is, we must go forward bravely, because only through challenges can we grow.
c. "心中有信念,脚下有路。"
With belief in the heart, there is a way forward.
d. "除恶务尽,方显英雄本色。"
Only by eliminating evil to the utmost can one show true heroic qualities.
e. "无论遭遇多少挫折,都要坚持到底,因为成功往往就在下一次尝试之中。"
No matter how many failures one encounters, they must persist to the end, because success is often just around the next attempt.
f. "人生如棋,落子无悔,每一步都是选择,每一步都值得我们去勇敢地走。"
Life is like a game of chess, with no regrets for moves made. Every step is a choice, and every step deserves to be taken boldly.